Monday, September 5, 2011

Beautiful Disaster

"She prays on day, she'll find someone to need her. She swears that there's no difference between the lies and compliments...It's all the same if everybody leaves her."

Why do we base our self worth on others? It seems as if we always seek approval from others before we seek our own. In fact, a lot of times, our own approval is based upon that of those around us. We set our standards based on what we think they think they should be. Where did our ability to think for ourselves go?
I was wondering this today as I was observing the people around me. I noticed that as I looked at them, they too, looked back at me. Many of them looked at me and then scanned the room, looking at everyone else. So many of us watch and compare constantly. If we aren't the skinniest person in the room, it means we are fat and need to lose five pounds. If the girl next to us is dressed in Juicy Couture and carrying a Gucci bag, we need to go out and spend our whole paycheck on a new wardrobe.
Why can't we just be who we are? I know this sounds like such a cliche question, but really. Whose approval are we seeking and why? Why can't we set our own standards for ourselves based upon who WE are as INDIVIDUALS.

Just something to think about.