Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dream That Keeps Me Healthy

I'm back on the path to recovery....
I don't want to starve and I don't want to gorge myself only to spend the next half hour with my head in the toilet anymore. I wan't to be healthy. Because I have a dream to be a mother one day, and that is one dream I am not willing to let my eating disorder take away from me.
So I'm fighting back. I will not let this eating disorder take away my life, and I will not let it prevent me from one day creating life.
I want to raise children and grow old with the man God gives me to love, and I plan on loving him with all my heart. I will be the best mother I can be, the best wife I can be, the best nurse I can be, and the best servant to the Lord I can be. 
I will create all the life my God intents for me to create and I will help save all the lives I am capable of saving, including my own. 
I will defeat this disease.
It will not win.